Sunday, August 7, 2016

Welcome to American History

All Homework assignments are to your right under pages. Click the page and all your assignments and weekly questions will show. Reminder: No late homework will be accepted except for absence.

Tests and Quizzes will all be given during class time.

Everything you need will be here. Always refer to the syllabus or Monthly assignment sheets you received on the first day of class. There is a link to the syllabus and monthly assignment sheets to the right in case you lose it.

If you have questions or issues, please feel free to contact me:
Phone: 404-388-6236 (You can text me or call me)

Please note that I am an early riser and therefore I go to bed early :) Late night correspondence probably won't be received until morning. Also, Fridays through Sundays are times when I am unlikely to respond to emails but you can text me and I will answer as quickly as possible. Although be aware, I am an outdoor enthusiast and many times I am deep in the woods of Georgia on those days. Sometimes my phone service can be off and on, but I will usually check it every few hours and will text back promptly.
I am hoping for a wonderful and enjoyable semester.

Mrs. Stephanie Shead

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