Homework Chapter 29

HW – Due on 3/31
Read Chapter 29
Complete Questions below
Section 12 of project – Report on Operation Desert Storm

Chapter 29
Identify the following people or places:
1.       Lyndon Baines Johnson
2.       Barry Goldwater
3.       Thurgood Marshall
4.       Malcolm X
5.       Martin Luther King, Jr.
6.       Robert F. Kennedy
7.       Sirhan Biashara Sirhan
8.       Richard M. Nixon
9.       George McGovern
10.   Henry Kissinger
11.   Spiro Agnew
12.   Gerald R. Ford
13.   James E. Carter
14.   Shah of Iran
15.   Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
Define the following terms:
16.   Great Society
17.   Civil Rights Act of 1964
18.   Vietnam War
19.   Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
20.   Tet Offensive
21.   Six-Day War
22.   SALT
23.   OPEC
24.   Watergate Affair
25.   Camp David Peace Accords
26.   Three Mile Island

Answer the following question:
27.   What was the court decision that legalized abortion in the United States and what year was it made?
28.   What was the root cause of inflation in the 1970’s?
29.   What year did US combat troops become involved in Vietnam and what year did they withdraw?
30.   How did the “Great Society” hurt the country rather than help it?

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